Offre de Post-Doc : of oil-water flows
The post-doc in collaboration between IMFT and TotalEnergies aims at understanding the physics behind two different oil-water flows configurations using direct numerical simulations. The Post-Doc is part of a long term collaboration between TotalEnergies and IMFT. The subject addressed in this Post-doc has been initiated in 2020.
The post-doc will take place at IMFT (Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse), under the direct supervision of Pr. Dominique Legendre.
There will be regular (monthly) progress/brainstorming meetings in order to transfer the knowledge obtained in the post-doc to the 1D modelling activities in Total. People (cosupervisors) involved in the meetings are: Roel Belt and Thierry Palermo (TotalEnergies).
At this point it is a one-year post-doc starting on July 1st 2022.
Contact : Dominique Legendre