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EchoUrbanet - Echolocalization of leakages in Water Distribution Networks


Principal Investigators (PI)

F. Plouraboué,  X. Jacob (IMFT-MIR), J. Perchoux (LAAS-OASIS), O. Piller, D. Gilbert (INRAE-GPIE)

EchoUrbanNet objectives

In France, twenty to fifty percent of drinking water is lost within urban Water Distribution Networks (WDN) distributions from leakages. Several techniques already exist for detecting leakages within WDN. Passive acoustic or hydro-acoustic techniques have focused on the study of noise induced by the presence of an anomaly from analysing the resulting noise emitted by the source. Nevertheless, these techniques are costly and of limited area in WDN. Other techniques based on recording transient water-hammer waves  modifications resulting from the presence of leakages have been proposed. Even promising because they are not limited to specific configurations and less sensitive to noise, these  methods suffer from several bottlenecks :
i. Transient analysis computations are limited to few hundred pipes units only with classical methods (e.g. method of characteristics, finite volume);
ii. The high-frequency pressure sensors numbers to deploy within a WDN is too large and non- affordable in practice;
iii. The WDN model quality albeit good is nevertheless uncertain so that many parameters might have to be considered in addition to possible fault/leakages locations.

The goal of this project is to overcome these three bottlenecks from proposing new methods/approaches in order to improve WDN knowledge, leak detection and analysing tools and reliability.


Previous papers

A. Bayle, F. Plouraboué, Eur. J.  Mech. – B/Fluids, 2023, 101, pp.59-88.

A. Bayle, F. Plouraboué, Wave Motion, 116, 103081, 2022.

A. Bayle, F. Rein, F. PlourabouéJ. Sound and Vib., 562, 117824, 2023.

A. Bayle, F. Plouraboué, J. Hyd.  Eng, 150, 2, 04023062, 2024.

K. Bertling, J. Perchoux, et al.,   Opt. Expr., 22, 24, 30356-30356, 2014.

R. Guibert, A. Bayle, F. Plouraboué, 230, 119538, Water Research, 2022.

S. Maquéda, J. Perchoux, C. Tronche, et al.,  Sensors, 23(7), 3720

O. Piller, G. Gancel and M. Propato, Exeter, GBR, pp. 263-268, 2005.

F. Plouraboué, P. Uszes & R. Guibert, IEEE Trans. Netw. Sci. Eng, 9, 3, 1437-1450, 2022.

F. Plouraboué, Eur. J. .Mech. B/Fluids, 108, 237-271 ,2024.

F. Plouraboué, Phys. Rev. E, 109, 054310,2024.

D. Steffelbauer, et al., J. Water Resour. Plan., 148(3), 2022.



The project kick-off is 01/02/2025