The tranverse research axe "Transportation, Aeronautics and Space"
Contact : Julien Sebilleau
The tranverse research axe « Transportation, Aeronautics and Space » (TAS) aims to promote joined activities inside and outside the Toulouse Institut of Fluid Mechanics (IMFT) on related topics strongly present in the local academic and industrial environment
Fluid mechanics (Aerodynamics, performance optimisation, micro-gravity flow), fluid-structure interactions (wing of the future), embedded system (ventilation, cooling, icing, wetting, sloshing) and propulsion (combustion, ionic wing) are the main themes interacting in the axe.
However, energetic performance and more global interaction with environment, traffic, pollution and safety are some possible additional topics.
The first objective of this tranverse axis is to generate links and to provoke joined research collaborations of internal teams or groups, and to induce know-how, knowledge and fund sharing.
Activities are proposed by the volontary members and can cover for instance local worshop, seminars, experimental presentation, numerical tool use. The axe strongly encourages joined project answer to local, national (ANR) and european call for proposal, especially where innovative and emerging concepts are at play.
Recently two transverse projects have begun, supported by the TAS axe. The first one is related to the interaction of a droplet at the wall with a razing flow (Sébilleau, Mathis) . It is an experimental work performed in a wind tunnel, interesting and original physics have ever been observed. The second project concerns the modelling and the simulation of the distributed propulsion by generated a ionic wing in front and over a wing (Plouraboué, Airiau, Fabre). Such forcing modifies the local propulsion to counterbalance the local drag and its influence on the lift distribution is currently investigated.
Other contributions are currently under preparation.
The present transverse axe is a local IMFT structure which is as well related to the larger interdisciplinary axe of the Toulouse University named “Aeronautics, Space and new mobilities”.