Frédéric Risso

Directeur de Recherche CNRS
Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse
2 allée du Pr Camille Soula
31400 Toulouse
Tél. 05 34 32 28 26
sur Google Scholar :
Sujets d’études
- Agitation, mélange et transfert dans les écoulements à bulles
- Lits fluidisés et écoulements de suspensions denses
- Instabilités de sillage et oscillations de corps en mouvement dans un fluide
- Déformation et rupture d’interface en écoulement instationnaire (rupture, coalescence)
- Effet des tensio-actifs sur la dynamique des interfaces
- Turbulence et sillages
- Biomécanique des capsules
Sélections d’articles
- L. Yi, C. Wang, T. van Vuren, D. Lohse, F. Risso, F. Toschi and Chao Sun (2022) Physical mechanisms for droplet size and effective viscosity asymmetries in turbulent emulsions. J. Fluid Mech. 951, A39. doi :10.1017/jfm.2022.881
- A. Amin, L. Girolami F. Risso (2022) Fall of a large sphere in a suspension of small fluidized particles. Letter to Phys. Rev. Fluids 7, L082301
- O. Masbernat, F. Risso, B. Lalanne, S. Bugeat and M. Berton (2022) Prediction of size distribution in dairy cream homogenization. Food Engineering, 324, 110973.
- A. Merlo, M. Berg, P. Duru, F. Risso, Y. Davit, and S. Lorthois (2022) A few upstream bifurcations drive the spatial distribution of red blood cells in model microfluidic networks. Soft Matter, 18, 1463.
- F. Le Roy De Bonneville, R. Zamansky, F. Risso, A. Boulin and J-F. Haquet (2021) Numerical simulations of the agitation generated by coarse-grained bubbles moving at large Reynolds number. J. Fluid Mech. 926, A20.
- V. Chireux, Ph. Tordjeman and F. Risso (2021) Bridge expansion after coalescence of two droplets in air : inertial regime. Phys. Fluids, 33, 062112 (Editor’s Pick).
- A. Amin, L. Girolami F. Risso (2021) On the fluidization/sedimentation velocity of a homogeneous suspension in a low-inertia fluid. Powder Tech. 391, 1-10.
- E. Almeras, F. Risso, O. Masbernat and O. Fox (2021) Statistics of velocity fluctuations in a homogeneous liquid Fluidized bed. Phys. Rev. Fluid 6, 034301 (Editor’s Suggestion).
- L. Girolami and F. Risso (2020) Physical modeling of the dam-break flow of sedimenting suspensions. Phys. Rev. Fluids 5, 084306.
- C. Devailly, P. Bouriat, C. Dicharry, F. Risso, T. Ondarçuhu and Ph. Tordjeman (2020) Long-range hydrodynamic forces in liquid FM-AFM. Nanotechnology 31, 455501.
- B. Lalanne, O. Masbernat and F. Risso (2020) Determination of interfacial concentration of a contaminated droplet from shape-oscillation damping. Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 194501 (Editor’s Suggestion, Featured in Physics).
- E. Almeras, O. Masbernat, F.Risso and O. Fox (2019) Fluctuations in inertial dense homogeneous suspensions. Phys. Rev. Fluids 4, 102301(R)
- C. Calvo, E. de Malmazet, F. Risso and O. Masbernat (2019) Coalescence of water drops interface : combined effect of microparticles and surfactants. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 58, 15573-15587
- N. Abi Chebel, A. Piedfert, B. Lalanne, C. Dalmazzone, C. Noïk, O. Masbernat and F. Risso (2019) Interfacial dynamics and rheology of an crude-oil droplet oscillating in water at high frequency. Langmuir 35, 9441-9455
- L. Girolami and F. Risso (2019) Sedimentation of gas-fluidized particles with random shape and size. Phys. Rev. Fluids, 4, 074301.
- F. Risso (2019) Bubble-Induced Turbulence. In : Gorokhovski M., Godeferd F. (eds) Turbulent Cascades II. ERCOFTAC Series, vol 26. Springer, Cham.
- B. Lalanne, O. Masbernat and F. Risso (2019) A model for drop breakup frequency based on turbulence spectra. AIChE J. 65 (1), 347–359
- V. Chireux, M. Prottat, F. Risso, T. Ondarçuhu and Ph. Tordjeman (2018) Jump-tocontact instability : the nanoscale mechanism of droplet coalescence in air. Phys. Rev. Fluids 3, 102001(R).
- A. Piedfert, B. Lalanne, O. Masbernat and F. Risso (2018) Numerical simulations of a rising drop with shape oscillations in the presence of surfactants. Phys. Rev. Fluids 3, 103605.
- E. Alméras, F. Risso, V. Roig, C. Plais and F. Augier (2018) Mixing mechanism in a two-dimensional bubble column. Phys. Rev. Fluids 3, 074307.
- E. Alméras, C. Plais, V. Roig, F. Risso, F. Augier (2018) Mixing mechanisms in a low- sheared inhomogeneous bubble column. Chem. Eng. Sci. 186, 52–61.
- F. Risso (2018) Agitation, mixing and transfers induced by bubbles. Ann. Rev. Fluid Mech. 50, 25-48.
- C. Mortagne, V. Chireux, R. Ledesma-Alonso, M. Ogier, F. Risso, T. Ondarçuhu, D. Legendre and Ph. Tordjeman (2017) Near-field deformation of a liquid interface by Atomic Force Microscopy. Phys. Rev. E 96, 012802.
- Z. Amoura, C. Besnaci, F. Risso, and V. Roig (2017) Velocity fluctuations generated by the flow through a random array of spheres : a model of bubble-induced agitation. J. Fluid Mech. 823, 592-616.
- M. Roudet, A.-M., S. Cazin, F. Risso and V. Roig (2017) Experimental investigation of interfacial mass transfer mechanisms for a confined high-Reynolds-number bubble rising in a thin gap. AIChE J. 63, 2394-2408.
- F. Risso (2016) Physical interpretation of probability density functions of bubble-induced agitation. J. Fluid Mech. 809, 240-263
- S. Roman, A. Merlo, P. Duru, F. Risso and S. Lorthois (2016) Going beyond 20-micrometer sized channels for studying red blood cell phase separation in microfluidic bifurcations. Biomicrofluidics, 10, 034103.
- E. Alméras, S. Cazin, V. Roig, F. Risso, F. Augier and C. Plais (2016) Time-resolved measurement of concentration fluctuations in a confined bubbly flow by LIF. Int. J. Multiphase Flow, 83, 153-161.
- E. Alméras, C. Plais, F. Euzenat, F. Risso, V. Roig and F. Augier, and (2016) Scalar Mixing in Bubbly Flows : Experimental Investigation and Diffusivity Modelling. Chem. Eng. Sci., Chem. Eng. Sci. 140, 114–122.
- B. Lalanne, N. Abi Chebel, J. Vejražka, S. Tanguy, O. Masbernat and F. Risso (2015) Non-linear shape oscillations of rising drops and bubbles : experiments and simulations. Phys. Fluids, 27, 123305.
- B. Lalanne, S. Tanguy, L. Rueda Villegas and F. Risso (2015) On the computation of viscous terms for incompressible two-phase flows with Level Set/Ghost Fluid Method. J. of Comp. Physics 301 (2015) 289–307
- E. de Malmazet, F. Risso, O. Masbernat and V. Pauchard (2015) Coalescence of contami nated water drops at an oil/water interface : influence of micro-particles. Colloids and Surfaces A : Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 482, 514-528.
- E. Alméras, F. Risso, V. Roig, C. Cazin, C. Plais and F. Augier (2015) Mixing by bubble-induced turbulence. J. Fluid Mech. 776, 458-474.
- V. Chireux, D. Fabre, F. Risso and Ph. Tordjeman (2015) Oscillations of a liquid bridge resulting from the coalescence of two droplets. Phys. Fluids 27, 062103.
- D. Colombet, D. Legendre, F. Risso, A. Cockx and P. Guiraud (2015) Dynamics and mass transfer of rising bubbles in an homogenous swarm at large gas volume fraction. J. Fluid Mech. 763, 254-285.
- E. Bouche, V. Roig, F. Risso and A.-M. Billet (2014) Homogeneous swarm of high- Reynolds-number bubbles rising within a thin gap. Part 2. Liquid dynamics. J. Fluid Mech. 758, 508-521.
- B. Lalanne, S. Tanguy and F. Risso (2013) Effect of rising motion on the damped shape oscillations of drops and bubbles. Phys. Fluids, 25, 112107.
- N. Havard, F. Risso and Ph. Tordjeman (2013) Breakup of a pendant magnetic drop. Phys. Rev. E, 88:013014.
- E. Bouche, S. Cazin, V. Roig and F. Risso (2013) Mixing in a swarm of bubbles rising in a confined cell measured by mean of PLIF with two different dyes. Exp. in Fluids, 54:1552
- G. Riboux, D. Legendre and F. Risso (2013) A model of bubble-induced turbulence based on large-scale wake interactions. J. Fluid Mech., 719, 362-387.
- F. Brunet, E. Cid, A. Bartoli, E. Bouche, F. Risso and V. Roig (2013) Image Registration Algorithm for Molecular Tagging Velocimetry Applied in Hele-Shaw Cell. Exp. Thermal and Fluid Science, 44, 897-904
- S. Roman, S. Lorthois, P. Duru and F. Risso (2012) Measurement of red blood cell velocity in microvessels by temporal cross-correlation : influence of non-uniform velocity distribution. Microvascular Research, 84, 249-261.
- V. Roig, M. Roudet, F. Risso and A.-M. Billet (2012) Dynamics of a high-Reynolds- number bubble rising within a thin gap. J. Fluid Mech., 707, 444-466.
- E. Bouche, V. Roig, F. Risso and A.-M. Billet (2012) Homogeneous swarm of high-Reynolds-number bubbles rising within a thin gap. Part 1 : Bubble dynamics. J. Fluid Mech. 704, 211-231.
- N. Abi Chebel, J. Vejražka, O. Masbernat and F. Risso (2012) Shape oscillations of an oil drop rising in water : effect of surface contamination. J. Fluid Mech., 702, 533-542.
- Gordillo, J. M., B. Lalanne, F. Risso, D. Legendre and S. Tanguy (2012) A model to describe the unsteady rise and the associated oscillations when a bubble rises in a quiescent liquid bath. Bub. Eng. Sci. and Technology, 4, 4-11.
- R. Maniero, O. Masbernat, E. Climent and F. Risso (2012) Modelling and simulation of inertial drop break-up in a turbulent pipe flow downstream of a restriction. Int. J. Multiphase Flow, 42, 1-8.
- P. Ern, F. Risso, D. Fabre and J. Magnaudet (2012) Wake-induced oscillatory paths of freely rising or falling bodies. Ann. Rev. Fluid Mech., 44, 97-121.
- N. Abi Chebel, F. Risso and O. Masbernat (2011) Inertial modes of a periodically-forced buoyant drop attached to a capillary. Phys. Fluids, 23, 102104.
- F. Ravelet, C. Colin and F. Risso (2011) On the dynamics and breakup of a bubble immersed in a turbulent flow. Phys. Fluids, 23, 103301.
- I. Eames, P. B. Johnson, V. Roig and F. Risso (2011) Effect of turbulence on the downs- tream velocity deficit of a rigid sphere. Phys. Fluids, 23, 095103.
- M. Roudet, A.-M. Billet, V. Roig and F. Risso (2011) PIV with volumetric lighting in a narrow cell : inertial migration of neutrally-buoyant tracers. Exp. Thermal and Fluid Science, 35, 1030–1037.
- D. Colombet, D. Legendre, A. Cockx, P. Guiraud, F. Risso, S. Cazin and C. Daniel (2011) Experimental study of mass transfer in a dense bubble swarm. Chem. Eng. Sci., 66, 3432–3440.
- F. Risso (2011) Theoretical model for k−3 spectra in dispersed multiphase flow (2011) Phys. Fluids, 23, 011701.
- Z. Amoura, V. Roig, F. Risso and A.-M. Billet (2010) Attenuation of the wake of a sphere in an intense incident turbulence with larger length scales. Phys. Fluids, 22, 055105.
- G. Riboux, F. Risso and D. Legendre (2010) Experimental characterization of the agitation generated by bubbles rising at high Reynolds number. J. Fluid Mech., 643, 509–539.
- P. Ern, F. Risso, P. C. Fernandes and J. Magnaudet (2009) A dynamical model for the buoyancy-driven zigzag motion of oblate bodies. Phys. Rev. Lett., 102, 134505.
- P. C. Fernandes, P. Ern, F. Risso and J. Magnaudet (2008) Dynamics of axisymmetric bodies rising on a zigzag path. J. Fluid Mech. 606, 209–223.
- R. Manasseh, G. Riboux, F. Risso (2008) Sound generation on bubble coalescence follo- wing detachment. Int. J. Multiphase Flow, 34, 938–949.
- F. Risso, V. Roig, Z. Amoura, G. Riboux, A.-M. Billet (2008) Wake attenuation in large Reynolds number dispersed two-phase flows. Phil. Trans. Royal Society A, 366, 2177–2190.
- P. Ern, P. C. Fernandes, F. Risso and J. Magnaudet (2007) Evolution of wake structure and wake-induced loads along the path of freely rising axisymmetric bodies. Phys. Fluids, 19, 113302.
- S. Galinat, F. Risso, O. Masbernat and P. Guiraud (2007) Dynamics of drop breakup in inhomogeneous turbulence at various volume fractions. J. Fluid Mech., 578, 85–94.
- S. Galinat, L. Garrido Torres, O. Masbernat, P. Guiraud, F. Risso, C. Dalmazzone and C. Noik (2007) Break-up of a drop in a liquid-liquid pipe flow through an orifice. AIChE J. (1), 56–68.
- P. C. Fernandes, F. Risso, P. Ern and J. Magnaudet (2007) Oscillatory motion and wake instability of freely-rising axisymmetric bodies. J. Fluid Mech., 573, 479–502.
- F. Risso, F. Collé-Paillot and M. Zagzoule (2006) Experimental investigation of a bioar- tificial capsule flowing in a narrow tube. J. Fluid Mech. 547, 149–174.
- P. C. Fernandes, P. Ern, F. Risso and J. Magnaudet (2005) On the zigzag dynamics of freely-moving axisymmetric bodies. Phys. Fluids 17, 098107.
- P. C. Fernandes, P. Ern, F. Risso and J. Magnaudet (2005) Mouvements oscillatoires de corps en ascension dans un fluide peu visqueux : l’effet du rapport de forme. Mécanique & Industrie 6, 279–283.
- F. Risso and M. Carin (2004) Compression of a capsule : Mechanical laws of membranes with negligible bending stiffness. Phys. Rev. E 69, 061601.
- J. D. Sherwood, F. Risso, F. Collé-Paillot, F. Edwards-Lévy and M. Lévy (2003) Trans- port rates through a cell membrane to attain Donnan equilibrium. J. Coll. Int. Sci 263, 202–212.
- S. L. Kiambi, A.M. Duquenne, J.B. Dupont, C. Colin, F. Risso and H. Delmas (2003) Measurements of Bubble Characteristics : Comparison between Double Optical Probe and Ima- ging. Canadian J. Ch. Engineering 81, 764–770.
- F. Risso and D. Legendre (2003) Velocity fluctuations induced by high-Reynolds-number rising bubbles : experiments and numerical simulations. ERCOFTAC Bulletin March, 41–45.
- F. Risso and K. Ellingsen (2002) Velocity fluctuations in a homogeneous dilute dispersion of high-Reynolds-number rising bubbles. J. Fluid Mech. 453, 395–410.
- K. Ellingsen and F. Risso (2001) On the rise of an ellipsoidal bubble in water : oscillatory paths and liquid induced velocity. J. Fluid Mech. 440, 235–268.
- F. Risso (2000) The mechanisms of deformation and breakup of drops and bubbles. Multiphase Sci. Tech. 12, 1–50.
- F. Risso (1999) Experimental investigation of the motion of a bubble in a gradient of turbulence. Phys. Fluids 11, 3567–3569.
- F. Risso and J. Fabre (1998) Oscillations and breakup of a bubble immersed in a turbulent field. J. Fluid Mech. 372, 323–355.
- C. Suzanne, K. Ellingsen, F. Risso and V. Roig (1998) Local Measurements in Turbulent Bubbly Flows. Nucl. Engng Des. 184, 319–327.
- F. Risso, A. Corjon and A. Stoessel (1997) Direct numerical simulation of wake vortices in intense homogeneous turbulence. AIAA J. 35, 1030–1039.
- F. Risso and J. Fabre (1997) Diffusive turbulence in a confined jet experiment, J. Fluid Mech. 337, 233–261.