Directeur de l’Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse
Professeur INP-ENSEEIHT – Département HMF
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Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse – 1, Allée du Professeur Camille Soula – 31400 Toulouse – FRANCE
Tel : +33 (0)5 34 32 28 86 – Fax : +33 (0)5 34 32 29 94
Le thème de recherche que je développe se concentre sur la modélisation et la simulation numérique multi-échelles des écoulements à phase dispersée (bulles, gouttes et particules solides). En plus de l’hydrodynamique couplée du fluide et des inclusions, je m’intéresse à la simulation numérique de milieux réactifs diphasiques (verre fondu peuplé en microbulles, suspensions denses en cours de polymérisation) et des suspensions où les effets non-hydrodynamiques ne peuvent plus être négligés (particules magnétiques, interactions de surface, suspensions biologiques).
- 1993-1996 : Thèse en Mécanique des Fluides à l’Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse (mention : Très Honorable avec Félicitations)
- 1990-1993 : Ingénieur à l’E.N.S.E.E.I.H.T. (Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Electrotechnique, d’Electronique, d’Informatique et d’Hydraulique de Toulouse) + D.E.A de Mécanique des fluides (mention : Bien)
- 2016… : Directeur de l’IMFT
- 2011-2015 : Directeur Adjoint de l’IMFT
- 2008… : Professeur des Universités (ENSEEIHT – INP Toulouse, Section 60).
- 2007 : Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (INP Toulouse).
- 2003-2008 : Maître de Conférences – ENSIACET – INP Toulouse (Section 62)
- 2002-2003 : Séjour de 14 mois à Brown University, Applied Math. Div. (USA)
- 2002-2003 : Délégation au CNRS (Section 10 ; SPI)
- 1999 : Séjour de 3 mois à Brown University (USA) sur invitation de M.R. Maxey
- 1998 : Maître de Conférences – Université Louis Pasteur de Strasbourg (Section 60)
- 1997-1998 : ATER à l’Université Louis Pasteur de Strasbourg
- 1997 : Contrat AEROSPATIALE : Simulation numérique d’un jet diphasique
See more information on :
Flows of particulate suspensions (32)
Bubbles and drops (11)
Transfer, Reaction and Mixing (11)
Micro-organisms and active suspensions (9)
Centrifugal separation of solid-liquid suspensions (8)
Flow instabilities (2)
Flows of particulate suspensions
1. Multi-fluid approach for the numerical prediction of wall erosion in an elbow. W. Yu, P. Fede, E. Climent, S. Sanders. (2019) under press in Powder Tech.
2. Determination of collision probability between an agglomerate and a spherical particle or between two agglomerates. H.D. Le, M. Sommerfeld, P. Fede, E. Climent, B. Truchot, J.-M. Lacome, A. Vignes. (2019) under revision Powder Tech.
3. Numerical modelling of long flexible fibers in homogeneous isotropic turbulence. M Sulaiman, E. Climent, B. Delmotte, P. Fede, F. Plouraboué, G. Verhillec (2019) under press in Eur. J. Phys. E.
4. Assessment of numerical methods for fully resolved simulations of particle-laden turbulent flows (2019) J. C. Brandle de Motta, P. Costa, J. J. Derksen, C. Peng, L.-P. Wang, W.-P. Breugem, J. L. Estivalezes, S. Vincenti, E. Climent, P. Fede, P. Barbaresco, N. Renon. Computers & Fluids, 179, 1–14.
5. Non spherical and inertial particles in Couette turbulent large scale structures. G. Wang, M. Abbas, Z. Yu, A. Pedrono, E. Climent. (2019) M. Gorokhovski and F. S. Godeferd (eds.), Turbulent Cascades II, ERCOFTAC Series 26,…
6. Finite-size particles in a turbulent Couette flow : the effect of particle shape and inertia. G. Wang, M. Abbas, Z. Yu, A. Pedrono, E. Climent. (2018) Int. J. Multiphase Flows. 107 (2018), pp. 168-181.
7. Modulation of the regeneration cycle by neutrally buoyant finite-size particles. G. Wang, M. Abbas and E. Climent (2018) J. Fluids Mech., Vol. 852, 257-282.
8. Modulation of large-scale structures by neutrally buoyant and inertial finite-size particles in turbulent Couette flow. G. Wang, M. Abbas and E. Climent (2017) Phys. Rev. Fluids. 2, 084302.
9. Controlling the quality of two-way Euler/Lagrange numerical modeling of bubbling and spouted fluidized beds dynamics (2017) Indus. & Eng. Chem. Res. M. Bernard, E. Climent, A. Wachs. – 56 (1), pp 368–386.
10. Local dissipation properties and collision dynamics in a sustained homogeneous turbulent suspension composed of finite size particles (2016) – J. Brandle de Motta, J-L. Estivalezes, E. Climent, S. Vincent – Int. J. Multiphase Flows 85, pp.369-379.
11. A few fundamental aspects related to the modelling of an accidental massive jet release of nanoparticles. H.D. Le, P. Fede, E. Climent, B. Truchot, J.-M. Lacome, A. Vignes. Chemical engineering transactions, vol 48, 2016
12. Inertia-driven particle migration and mixing in a channel suspension laminar flow. V. Loisel, M. Abbas, O. Masbernat and E. Climent. (2015) Physics of Fluids, 27, 123304 (2015).
13. Fully-resolved simulations of the flow through a packed bed of cylinders : effect of size distribution. F. Dorai ; C.M. Teixeira ; M. Rolland ; E. Climent ; M. Marcoux ; A. Wachs (2015) Chem. Eng. Sc. (129), 180–192.
14. Collective dynamics of flowing colloids during pore clogging. C. Agbangla, E. Climent and P. Bacchin. (2014) Soft Matter, (10), 6303-6315.
15. Numerical investigation of channel blockage by flowing microparticles. C. Agbangla, E. Climent and P. Bacchin Computers & Fluids (2014), 94C, pp. 69-83.
16. A Lagrangian Volume of Fluid tensorial penalty method for the direct numerical simulation of resolved particle-laden flows. S. Vincent, J. Brandle de Motta, A. Sarthou, J.-L. Estivalezes, O. Simonin and E. Climent. J. Comp. Physics (2014), 256 – pp. 582-614.
17. The effect of neutrally-buoyant finite-size particles on channel flows in the laminar-turbulent transition regime. V. Loisel, M. Abbas, O. Masbernat and E. Climent. Physics of Fluids, 25, 123304 (2013).
18. Numerical modelling of finite-size particle collisions in a viscous fluid. J. Bandle de Motta, W.- P. Breugem, B. Gazanion, J.-L. Estivalezes, S. Vincent and E. Climent. Physics of Fluids (2013) Vol.25, 083302.
19. Experimental investigation of pore clogging by microparticles : evidence for a critical flux density of particle yielding arches and deposits. G.C. Agbangla, E. Climent, P. Bacchin, Separ. Purif. Technol. (2012), vol. 101 . pp. 42-48.
20. Adhesion and detachment fluxes of micro-particles from a permeable wall under turbulent flow conditions. R. Maniero, E. Climent, P. Bacchin. Chem. Eng. Sciences (2012), 71, 409-421.
21. Flow of particles suspended in a sheared viscous fluid : effects of finite inertia and inelastic collisions. (2010) M. Abbas, E. Climent, J-F Parmentier, O. Simonin, AIChE Journal, Vol. 56, 10 , 2523-2538.
22. Two colliding grinding beads : Experimental flow fields and particle capture efficiency. (2010) R. Gers, D. Anne-Archard, E. Climent, D. Legendre, C. Frances. Chem. Eng. and Tech., Volume 33, Issue 9, September, 2010, Pages : 1438–1446.
23. Numerical modelling of grinding in a stirred media mill : Hydrodynamics and Collision characteristics (2010) R. Gers, E. Climent, D. Legendre, D. Anne-Archard, C. Frances. Chem. Eng. Sciences Volume 65, Issue 6, 15 March 2010, Pages 2052-2064.
24. Shear-induced self-diffusion of inertial particles in a viscous fluid. M. Abbas, E. Climent and O. Simonin, (2009) Phys. Rev. E. – 79, 036313.
25. The Force Coupling Method : A flexible approach for the simulation of particulate flows, E. Climent & M.R. Maxey, (2009) inserted in “Theoretical Methods for Micro Scale Viscous Flows”, Ressign Press, Eds F. Feuillebois and A. Sellier (ISBN : 978-81-7895-400-4).
26. Ultrafine aerosol generation from free falling nanopowders : experiments and numerical modelling, N. Ibaseta, E. Climent & B. Biscans, (2008). Int. J. Chem. React. Eng., Vol. 6, A24.
27. Dynamic Self-Assembly of Spinning Particles, E. Climent, K.M. Yeo, M.R. Maxey & G.E. Karniadakis, 2007. J. of Fluids. Eng., Vol 129, p. 379.
28. Fully coupled simulations of non-colloidal monodisperse sheared suspensions, M. Abbas, E. Climent & O. Simonin, 2007. IChemE Journal, ChERD. Vol 85, A3, p. 1-15.
29. Dynamics of bidisperse suspensions under Stokes flows : Linear shear flow and Sedimentation, M. Abbas, E. Climent, O. Simonin & M. R. Maxey, 2006. Physics of Fluids. 18, p. 121504.
30. Dynamics of self-assembled chaining in magneto-rheological fluids. E. Climent, M.R. Maxey & G.E. Karniadakis, 2004. Langmuir. No 20, p. 507-513
31. Collision barrier effects on the bulk flow in a random suspension. S.L Dance, E. Climent & M.R. Maxey, 2004. Physics of Fluids. Vol 16 (3), p. 828-831.
32. Numerical simulations of random suspensions at finite Reynolds number. E. Climent & M.R. Maxey, 2003. Int. J. Multiphase Flows, Vol 29, p. 579-601.
Bubbles and drops
33. The Basset-Boussinesq history force of a fluid sphere. D. Legendre, A. Rachih, C. Souilliez, S. Charton and E. Climent (2019) Phys. Rev. Fluids. 4, 073603.
34. Drag modulation in turbulent boundary layers subject to different bubble injection strategies (2019) S. Rawat, A. Chouippe, R. Zamansky, D. Legendre, E. Climent – Computers & Fluids. 178, 73-87.
35. Numerical simulation of bubble dispersion in turbulent Taylor-Couette flow. (2014) A.Chouippe, E.Climent, D. Legendre and C. Gabillet, Physics of Fluids, 26, 043304 (2014). * Phys. Fluids Research Highlights – within 10 most accessed articles in 2014.
36. Modeling and simulation of inertial drop break-up in a turbulent pipe flow downstream of a restriction. R. Maniero, O. Masbernat, E. Climent and F. Risso. (2012). Int. J. of Multiphase flows, 42, 1-8.
37. Modulation of homogeneous turbulence seeded with finite size bubbles or particles (2010) K. Yeo, S. Dong, E. Climent, M.R. Maxey, Int. J. of Multiphase flows, 36, 221–233.
38. Preferential accumulation of bubbles in Couette-Taylor flow patterns. E. Climent, M. Simonnet & J. Magnaudet, 2007 Physics of Fluids, 19, p. 083301.
39. Dynamics of a two-dimensional upflowing mixing layer seeded with bubbles : Bubble dispersion and effect of two-way coupling. E. Climent & J. Magnaudet, 2006. Physics of Fluids. 18, p. 103304.
40. Two-way coupling simulations of instabilities in a plane bubble plume. O. Caballina, E. Climent & J. Dusek, 2003. Physics of Fluids, Vol 15 (6), p. 1535-1544.
41. Large-scale simulations of bubble-induced convection in a liquid layer. E. Climent & J. Magnaudet, 1999. Physical Review Letters Vol 82, No 24, pp. 4827-4830.
42. Modifications d’une couche de mélange verticale par la présence de bulles. E. Climent & J. Magnaudet, 1998. C. R. Acad. Sc.. Paris, t. 326. Série II B, pp. 627-634.
43. Simulation d’écoulements induits par des bulles dans un liquide au repos. E. Climent & J. Magnaudet, 1997. C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris, t. 324. Série II B, pp 91-98.
Transfer, Reaction and Mixing
Filtering Particle-resolved simulation data to determine local heat transfer coefficients in a flow through a fixed bed of spherical particles (2019) F. Euzenat, A.Hammouti, E. Climent, P Fede, A. Wachs. under major revisions Int. J. Multiphase Flows.
44. Numerical simulations and modelling of mass transfer through random assemblies of catalyst particles : from dilute to dense reactive particulate regime (2019) M. Sulaiman, E. Climent, A. Wachs, A. Hammouti. Submitted to Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer.
45. Experimental investigation of mixing efficiency in particle laden Taylor-Couette flows. Z. Rida, S. Cazin, F. Lamadie. D. Dherbécourt, S. Charton, E. Climent (2019), Experiments in Fluids. 60:61.
46. Coupling the fictitious domain and sharp interface methods for the simulation of convective mass transfer around reactive particles : towards a reactive Sherwood number correlation for dilute systems. M. Sulaiman, E. Climent, A. Hammouti, A. Wachs. (2019), Chem. Eng. Science, 198, 334–351.
47. Mass transfer towards a reactive particle in a fluid flow : numerical simulations and modeling. M. Sulaiman, E. Climent, A. Hammouti, A. Wachs. (2019), Chem. Eng. Science, 199, 496–507
48. Particle-resolved numerical simulations of the gas-solid heat transfer in arrays of random motionless particles. E.I. Thiam, E. Masi, E. Climent, O. Simonin and S. Vincent. (2019) Acta Mechanica. 230, 541–567.
49. Experimental study of enhanced mixing induced by particles in Taylor-Couette flows. D. Dherbecourt, S. Charton, F. Lamadie, S. Cazin, E. Climent. (2016) IChemE Journal, ChERD Volume 108, Pages 109–117.
50. Mixing and axial dispersion in Taylor-Couette flows : the effect of the flow regime. M. Nemri, S. Charton, E. Climent. (2016) – Chem. Eng. Sc., 139, pp. 109-124.
51. Mass transfer enhancement by a reversible chemical reaction across the interface of a bubble rising under Stokes flow. F. Pigeonneau, M. Perrodin and E. Climent (2014), AIChE Journal, Volume 60, Issue 9, pages 3376–3388.
52. Experimental investigation of mixing and axial dispersion in Taylor-Couette flow patterns. M. Nemri, S. Cazin, S. Charton and Eric Climent. (2014) Experiments in Fluids – Vol. 55, Issue 7, 1769.
53. Experimental and Numerical investigation on mixing and axial dispersion in Taylor-Couette flow patterns. M. Nemri, E. Climent, S. Charton, J.-Y. Lanoë, D. Ode. IChemE Journal, ChERD Manuscript : Vol. 91, 12 – 2346-2354 (2012).
Micro-organisms and active suspensions
54. Chain formation can enhance the vertical migration of phytoplankton through turbulence. S. Lovecchio, E. Climent, R. Stocker and W. M. Durham (2019) accepted in Sciences advance
55. Hydrodynamic mechanisms of Brownian tracer transport in semi-dilute cell suspensions. B. Delmotte, E. E. Keaveny, E. Climent, F. Plouraboué, (2018) IMA J. of App. Math. Vol. 83, 4 : 680–699.
56. Identification of internal properties of fibers and micro-swimmers (2017), F. Plouraboué, E.I.Thiam, B. Delmotte and E. Climent, Proc. R. Soc. A – 473 : 20160517.
57. Large-scale simulation of steady and time-dependent active suspensions with the force-coupling method. (2015) B. Delmotte, E. E. Keaveny, F. Plouraboué, E. Climent. J. Comp. Phys. 302, 524–547.
58. A general formulation of Bead Models applied to flexible fibers and active filaments at low Reynolds number (2015) B. Delmotte, E. Climent, F. Plouraboué. J. Comp. Phys. 286, 14 –37.
59. Turbulent fluid acceleration generates clusters of gyrotactic microorganisms. F. De Lillo, M. Cencini, W.M. Durham, Barry, R. Stocker, E. Climent and G. Boffetta (2014). Physical Review Letters – 112, 044502. Selected by the editors of PRL for a Focus in Physics article
60. Hydrodynamic interactions among large populations of swimming micro-organisms (2013) B. Delmotte, E. Climent, F. Plouraboué. Computer methods in biomechanics and biomedical engineering 16 (sup1), 6-8.
61. Turbulence drives microscale patches of motile phytoplankton. W. M. Durham, E. Climent, M. Barry, F. De Lillo G. Boffetta, M. Cencini and R. Stocker. Nature Communications (2013) – 4:2148 – doi : 10.1038/ncomms3148. Highlighted Article, Human Frontier Science Program
62. Gyrotaxis in a steady vortical flow. W.M. Durham, E. Climent and R. Stocker. (2011). Physical Review Letters – 106, 238102 (2011).
Centrifugal separation of solid-liquid suspensions
C. Bannerjee, K. Chaudhury, E. Cid, E. Climent, F. Bourgeois, S. Chakraborty, A.K. Majumder. Dancing behaviour of air core in hydrocyclone (To be submitted)
63. Mechanistic modelling of water partitioning behaviour in hydrocyclone. C. Bannerjee, E. Climent, A. K. Majumder – Chem. Eng. Sciences (2016), Volume 152, Pages 724–735.
64. Performance monitoring of a hydrocyclone based on underflow discharge angle – R. K. Dubey, E. Climent, C. Banerjee, A. K. Majumder, (2016) International Journal of Mineral Processing, Volume 154, Pages 41–52.
65. Physical analysis and modelling of the Falcon concentrator for ultrafines beneficiation. J.-S. Kroll-Rabotin ; F. Bourgeois ; E. Climent. Int. J. of Mineral Processing (2013) Vol. 121, 39-50.
66. Analysis of swirling flow in hydrocyclones operating under dense regime. A. Davailles, E. Climent, F. Bourgeois, A.K. Majumder. Minerals Engineering (2012), 31 ; 32–41.
67. Fundamental understanding of swirling flow pattern in hydrocyclones. A. Davailles, E. Climent, F. Bourgeois. Separ. Purif. Technol. (2012), 92 , 152–160.
68. Experimental validation of a fluid dynamics based model of the UF Falcon concentrator in the ultrafine range, J.-S. Kroll-Rabotin ; F. Bourgeois ; E. Climent. Separ. Purif. Technol. (2012), Volume 92, 18 May 2012, Pages 129-135.
69. Beneficiation of concentrated ultrafine suspensions with a Falcon UF concentrator. J.-S. Kroll-Rabotin ; F. Bourgeois ; E. Climent, Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum Can. Inst. Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum Journal Volume 2, Issue 4, (2011).
70. Fluid dynamics based modeling of the Falcon concentrator for ultrafine particle beneficiation (2010) J.-S. Kroll-Rabotin ; F. Bourgeois ; E. Climent, Minerals Engineering Volume 23, Issue 4, March 2010, Pages 313-320.
Flow instabilities
71. Unsteady behavior of a confined jet in a cavity at moderate Reynolds numbers. G. Bouchet and E. Climent. Fluids Dyn. Res. 44 (2012) 025505.
72. Instability of a confined jet impinging on a water/air free surface. G. Bouchet, E. Climent & A. Maurel, 2002. Europhysics Letters, Vol 59 (6), p. 827-833.