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Key words : two-phase flows, bubbles, drops, vortices, turbulence, magnetohydrodynamics …

The study of dynamics and transfers at the level of an interface separating two phases, whether it is a liquid phase and a gas phase, two immiscible liquids or a fluid and a solid is a scientific subject of primary importance in Mechanics. of Fluids. These phenomena at the interfaces are also positioned at the border between different physics, and it is therefore relevant to develop a transdisciplinary approach to study them.

The Interfaces research team is dedicated to the study of these different types of two-phase flows in which there are couplings with various physical phenomena.This diversity of scientific topics addressed by the Interfaces team has allowed the development of multiple collaborations with partners from different environments.

Since many years, the team is collaborating with divers academic partners, whether at the site-level, national or international scale, but also with EPICs, such as ONERA, CNES, IRSN or CEA, and also with major industrial groups, such as Airbus, Continental, Air Liquid Advanced Technologies…

The most studied topics in the Interfaces research team are two-phase nano-fluidics, dynamics and deformation of surfactant-contaminated interfaces, two-phase magnetohydrodynamics, boiling in microgravity and in nuclear reactors, development of numerical methods for two-phase flows, and the turbulence cloud interaction of bubbles or drops.


L’étude de ces différents sujets dont le dénominateur commun est la présence d’une interface entre deux phases nécessite des compétences diversifiées englobant des approches expérimentales allant des plus petites échelles possibles (nano-fluidique) à des échelles macroscopiques (nuages de bulles), et également des approches numériques microscopiques (suivi d’interface VOF et Level Set), ainsi qu’à plus grande échelle (Simulation des Grandes Echelles, suivi lagrangien de particules).

Scientific themes

Theses and internships offered by the group

Members of the group

L’équipe de recherche Interfaces est constitué de 9 chercheurs et enseignants-chercheurs (2 Directeurs de Recherche CNRS, 3 Professeurs N7, 3 Maîtres de Conférences N7 et 1 Maître de Conférence Université Paul Sabatier). L’équipe accueille généralement entre 10 et 25 doctorants et post-doctorants, et une dizaine de stagiaires de Master sont recrutés chaque année.


NomStatutGroupePage personnelleBatiment
Afflard AntoineDoctorant Interfaces
Ayegba PaulDoctorantInterfacesEscande
Bergez WladimirChercheur Toulouse INPInterfacesEscande
Bibal MarieDoctoranteInterfacesEscande
Calbrix CorentinDoctorantInterfaces
Chahine AntonioDoctorantInterfacesEscande
Colin CatherineChercheur Toulouse INP - Professeur des UniversitésInterfacesEscande
Coseru SergiuDoctorantInterfaces
Dussauyer GautierDoctorantInterfaces
Favre LucDoctorantInterfaces
Ferreira-Sabino DiogoDoctorantInterfaces
Franiate SylvainDoctorantInterfaces
Gonon AntoineDoctorantInterfaces
Guillou JulienDoctorantInterfacesEscande
Legendre DominiqueChercheur Toulouse INP - Professeur des Université InterfacesEscande
Nasro Allah YoussefDoctorantInterfaces
Ondarcuhu ThierryChercheur CNRSInterfacesEscande
Pacione AnthonyDoctorantInterfaces
Risso FrédéricChercheur CNRS - Directeur de RechercheInterfacesEscande
Sebilleau JulienChercheur Toulouse INP - Maître de ConférencesInterfacesEscande
Tanguy SébastienChercheur UT3 - Maître de ConférenceInterfacesEscande
Tordjeman PhilippeChercheur Toulouse INPInterfacesEscande
Truchetet LolaPost-DoctorantInterfacesEscande
Zamansky RémiChercheur - Maitre de conférence Toulouse INPInterfacesEscande
Zhang ZhentongDoctorantInterfacesEscande

Publications of the group